
“I cannot put into words how much Francesca from 'Your Tidy Space' has helped my wife and I. No matter how hard we tried it constantly felt like we were failing to manage our house. Every surface was covered with everyday clutter. Francesca was amazingly calm and gentle with us especially when some of the items became rather emotive. She helped us declutter and organise our house in a way which would be manageable going forward. Being able to see our surfaces again and know that everything has an assigned home was an amazing feeling. For the first time in ages our home felt like a calm space. she approaches every home with great sensitivity and amazing humour. She will find solutions for those problem items that seem to drift from one area to another always causing problems and never being properly stored or thrown. I cannot speak highly enough of her services.”

— Toby, Farnham

“Amazing experience! Francesca is perfection, and I will definitely book her once a year for a thorough “space clearing”. She dealt with me and all my mess, post a downsizing move last summer that seemed to have overwhelmed me, my living room was a junkyard..my loft was full of unknowns..and my recycling was having babies and becoming unruly! Francesca just calmly focused with me, with such a lightness of touch, such practicality, a kindness, a gentleness, and a total lack of judgement, and piece by piece we trawled through it all. She left my space and me feeling light as a feather and ready for anything!
She then went to work with my 21 yr old son and 19 yr old daughter who had also not dealt with all their belongings since the move. So professional! She adjusted to each situation so intuitively, and the vibe in the house whenever she was there was always lighthearted and fun. My two university kids were both absolutely dreading the work, but in Francesca’s presence they buckled down, focused, and did the entirety! She is a miracle! I cannot recommend her highly enough. She is so reliable, so much fun, so full of practical ideas and solutions, so inspiring. Money well spent, indeed.”

— Emily, Bordon

“Huge thanks to Francesca who helped me tidy and clear our study which had become a major dumping ground for all our junk and paperwork.  It’s been on my to do list for a while but having made an appointment with Francesca, there was no avoiding it.  She wasn’t daunted by the chaos and calmly set out how we would approach it and we just got on with it!  The fact that she was with me meant I was a bit more brave about throwing things/donating stuff to charity, which was definitely helpful.  We achieved everything we wanted and it was great that Francesca took all the charity donations with her as no doubt if she hadn’t done, that would have been another job I didn’t get round to doing and the room would have ended up pretty much as full as we started!”

— Alison, Farnham

“Francesca is an amazing professional organizer who helped me unpack and organize multiple rooms in my house once we moved to Farnham. She is efficient and makes your home feel so zen. I would highly recommend her services if you are looking to organize, declutter, or need help unpacking after a move. She’s just brilliant! Thank you for everything.”

— Sara, Farnham

'‘We first contacted Francesca back in early Summer of 2022 as we wanted to sort out our house before we put it on the market. We also wanted to ensure that we declutter all the things we didn’t want to take with us to our new home.
Francesca was great at helping us tackle problem areas from junk drawers to coat cupboards and surface areas that needed to be clutter free. We had her for several visits and each time, we saw huge improvements as not only did she help us declutter and organise but to also create a system that would make it easy for us to maintain our home. She was always professional and handled our problem areas, including sentimental items, with great care and respect. We never once felt pressured to get rid off any items that might seem “easy to declutter” as she was always interested in the story behind why we held on to such items, which ultimately, made it easier to let go of, in a healthy way.  This is important as it was freeing at the same time. We would absolutely recommend Francesca to anyone looking for that trustworthy professional organiser / declutterer who is also caring with a personable approach at the same time. 
We also plan to have Francesca again to help us organise our home and storage in the new place once we move house''

— Emma, Farnham

"Just take the plunge - you'll be so glad you did! 

I find keeping my house ordered very difficult, but when Francesca came, we made real progress. She was great, and somehow with her help and sensitivity, I was able to make difficult decisions. It was amazing what a difference sorting out that area has made - both in terms of space and my mental health! I would highly recommend you get in touch if you are struggling too.”

— Annabel, Farnham

“I'm hoping to move home in a few months and needed some help with getting the house ready for viewings. I have a serious hoarding problem and am very emotionally invested in my possessions so I was nervous about someone insisting on getting rid of treasured items.
I needn't have worried. Francesca has been so kind and understanding and has worked miracles so far. She makes suggestions but the final decisions are always mine. I booked an initial session but felt comfortable with her right away and have booked several more. We've made so much progress already, and the more we do the easier it gets.
I really recommend booking some time with Francesca if you're overwhelmed with too much 'stuff'. You won't regret it!”

— Sally, Ash

“It was brilliant having Francesca come in to sort out the space in our living area, which had become a dumping ground for toys, books, crafting, boxes of projects, games, fancy dress etc - and this is all right next to our dining table, so not exactly a relaxing space for family means, let alone hosting guests! With her gentle encouragement, we were able to sort out anything that really didn't need to be there (and she gave suggestions for where they should go instead), as well as identifying toys my kids no longer use for charity. Usually I'm dreadful at making these sorts of decisions because I get so sentimental, but I definitely felt braver and more confident to sort those I really wanted to keep versus those that were really no longer necessary. About 3 weeks on and the space still looks tidy. This is - and I can't stress this enough - a miracle! I think it's because Francesca identified specificareas for specific things and so it's easy to keep looking neat. I highly recommend Francesca for anyone who has even the vaguest of hoarding tendencies!! Brilliant service, thank you!”

— Charlotte, Farnham

“Francesca came to my house to help declutter under my stairs & corner kitchen cabinet. The goal was to be able to have a space I could build an office area and my children still be able to get to their craft sets. Working full time with 2 young kids and a puppy these tasks always take the very bottom of priority. The outcome was absolutely spectacular and Francesca made me feel so comfortable working her way through the family’s years of clutter! No judgment, fast, convenient & an amazing outcome the whole family can now enjoy! Thank you so much will definitely be having you around again.”

— Hayley, Farnham

“Francesca was brilliant. In three hours we sorted out so much stuff - not just decluttering but just general organising and sorting things. She also has a really good eye for where things should go and what will look best. She is very enthusiastic, cheerful and hard working and didnt stop all afternoon. The most productive afternoon I have had this year and has made such a difference. Nothing I couldn't have done myself but much easier doing it with someone else - and meant I couldn't give up half way when it was all a bit overwhelming at the worst stage. I can't recommend her enough.”

— Belinda, Guildford

“It got me so fired up! It makes such a huge difference to one's mood. It really lifted a weight that I didn't really know I had.”

— Annabel, Godalming

“HUGE thanks for your help and guidance today. Your calm, non-judgemental assistance made what could have been a traumatic experience a pleasure (well, almost!).”

— Gail, Haslemere

“I very much appreciated your approach - keen to get things done, understanding where I needed to take my time, and very respectful of my home, and what it means to me!”

— Lucy, Farnham

“Francesca's efficient and sympathetic approach helped us to discard a huge collection of stuff that we had hung on to needlessly for years. My intial skepticism as to the need for her services was quickly and completely dispelled.”

— Dave, Farnham

“I needed to seriously declutter my home after losing two loved ones and some of their possessions joining mine in my home. Francesca was recommended to me and I could not be more grateful for her amazing help. She has helped me really begin to see the wood from the trees. I really was finding it so hard not to just churn the clutter around the house. With Francesca, we immeditately put charity shop donations into boxes to go straight out. We sort stuff into piles. Francesca helps categorise, make sensible decisions about what should live where so it makes sense. I look forward to our sessions and feel happy and calm afterwards because I can see real progress. I am now reclaiming my house for my life now and am able to start doing my hobbies and enjoying life after a tough few years.”

— Sue, Elstead